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Unleashing Your Beast-Mode

As we approach Thanksgiving, with 2025 just three months away, doesn't it feel like time is slipping through your fingers? One moment, you're ringing in the New Year, and the next, you're at the grocery store, buying another turkey. The world spins faster each day, constantly reminding you of the time you’ve “lost” and the goals you didn’t hit. And let’s not even talk about the self-blame for not being consistent—on Instagram, Facebook, Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, and every new platform marketers create. Meanwhile, podcasts, webinars, influencers, and gurus keep whispering the same word in your ear: "Procrastination."

But here’s the truth—you’re wasting your energy feeling like that. You are undeniably, absolutely **awesome**—whether you accomplished everything on your list or just survived the year. You’ve done more than you realize, probably more than most. Let’s ditch the self-doubt, celebrate the wins, big and small, and take back your power.

Here are **9 Steps** to shift from self-judgment to self-love and appreciation for everything you *did* achieve this year.

1. **CELEBRATE your victories**—big, small, and anything in between. You’ve made it through another year. Despite the rollercoaster of life, inflation, and crazy people, you’re still standing. That alone makes you part of an elite group that refuses to give up.

2. **FORGIVE yourself.** You could’ve done more, sure—but punishing yourself only keeps you stuck in scarcity. Let go of the guilt (erase it from your vocabulary). Wasting your energy on regret only steals time from your future success.

3. **LEARN from your past.** Take a step back and objectively review your vision, mission, and actions this year. Use this time to refine and grow. Seek JOY!

4. **EMPOWER yourself** by becoming your biggest cheerleader. And STOP talking to the woman in the mirror the way you do! She is your best friend ever. SELF-LOVE is A MUST.

5. **BELIEVE in your mission.** You’re here for a reason—to touch lives, change the world, and share your expertise. When you believe in what you’re doing, others will, too.

6. ** RE-EVALUATE the year ** and seek help where needed. You don’t know what you don’t know, and that’s okay. Ask the experts. Get a mentor sooner rather than later—most mistakes happen when entrepreneurs try to go it alone.

7. ** Anticipate outcomes ** by analyzing the past. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Learn, adapt, and aim high. Dream bigger than ever before.

8. **TRUST in your abilities.** If others can do it, so can you. The tools and resources you need are within your reach—if not, find the right person to help you unlock them.

9. **EXPAND your vision.** Close your eyes and dream BIG—abundance, love, and success in every area of your life. Then, open your eyes and take the first step toward making that dream a reality.

This is your time to shine. Let go of judgment, step into your power, and design the life you’ve always wanted. The world is waiting for you to Unleashed Yourself and be undeniably, irresistible HAPPY. 🌟

Sylvia Chavez, Love Queen


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